Hire Workers, Faster
Start today and get your first job posted for FREE!
How it works
Our web integration technology allows your team to continue managing your job openings and recruitment processes through your existing corporate infrastructure, while we handle the back-end details. You simply need to submit the URLs you want posted and we take care of the rest!
Once your jobs are posted, all BluCollr users—including visitors—will be able to find, view, and apply to your jobs directly through the platform. Our job posting process leverages custom code to ensure your job posts are crawled and appropriately indexed by search engines like Google, so that candidates can also find your job posts through independent web searches.
Try us for free
For a limited time, we’ll post your first job for FREE so you can try BluCollr’s web integration technology services at no cost or obligation. It's an effortless way to increase the visibility of your existing job openings - and it's free to try!
To see if your corporate website or careers portal is compatible, just copy and paste the URL / link to any current job opening in the tool below:
If you were able to view your job post through this tool, we can start posting your jobs right away! To get started, just fill out our New Client Registration Form or contact hello@blucollr.com and a member of our team will reach out to you to set up your company profile and get your first job posted for FREE.
Need Help?
If you were unable to view your job post through the tool and would like to use our services, please contact your website administrator or HR software solutions provider and direct them to our web integration help page for guidance on how to configure your website for cross-compatibility with BluCollr. If you still need help, please contact support@blucollr.com.